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KEF America is proud to announce their participation in Psychic Debris Field, the latest multi-sensory, multi-media installation by acclaimed Los Angeles artist Doug Aitken.
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Everyone loves bass. Whether in a song or a movie, very few things in the entertainment world top the thrill of deep, tight bass at just the right moment. It’s the pursuit of that magic that sometimes leads to bloated, inaccurate, one-note bass. An under-performing or poorly set up subwoofer can do an amazing amount of damage to the fidelity of even the most expensive audio system.
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Una herramienta verdaderamente revolucionaria en elarsenal acústico de KEF, la Tecnología de Absorción de Metamateriales (MAT) esuna estructura muy compleja en forma de laberinto que elimina el sonido nodeseado de la parte trasera del controlador, lo que da como resultado unrendimiento más puro y natural.
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